Tuesday, May 1, 2012

Miss Representation

I am a chef, a custodian, a teacher, a friend, a leader, a therapist, a nurse, a companion, an entertainer, a chauffeur, a mother, a wife, a voter, a thinker, a doer, a contributor. I AM A WOMAN.

Please take the time to watch this 3 minute video:

Matt and I have had many late nights talking about the objectification of women. This is a topic to not be taken lightly, and I do not know all the facts, neither do I have all of the answers, but here is my take on the matter:

The media is so sneaky in "brainwashing" us to believe that women are sexual beings whose only use is their bodies. In order to be of value in our society you need to be thin, with giant breasts, long lashes, and long skinny legs. To be honest, I don't have any of those things, maybe the boobs before I had a baby, but as I ask myself on a regular basis, then why am I trying?

Who is it that is doing this to us? Why are the pressures to be perfect so strong and so in your face? I wish that there was just one person I could punch in the face, but I think that this problem stems from a variety of places and people. Obviously it comes from the media. In magazines, on billboards, in your homes on the television and internet. The media is everywhere! And whether you like it or not, it influences you. YOU ARE THE TARGET! I know that a lot us believe that the objectification of women is from men or directed to men, but I disagree. I do believe that in many ways it is directed towards men, especially in the form of pornography, but I personally believe it is directed towards women. Let me paint a scenario. You are watching TV and a commercial comes on, there is a sexy woman with a good looking man, and who even knows what the commercial is about, but you immediately look at the woman. You are comparing yourself to her. "Wow she has long legs, wow she has beautiful hair, wow she has great cleavage," whatever it is! You are the one looking, and chances are you husband is not. I am not sure the underlying cause of this, maybe we are in a way "programmed" to think this way because of the media, but because of you, and me, the problem is being perpetuated.

Can I just suggest, that we women STOP THE OBJECTIFICATION OF WOMEN! If we want things to change, we have to change ourselves. If we want to stop being treated like a piece of meat, lets stop dressing and acting like one! If we want to be valued for not just our bodies but for our brains then we need to value them ourselves! Educate yourself! Learn, grow, become a contributor! I am not saying that this will immediately go away but I believe that each woman can make a big difference!

The reason that I am so adamant about this, is not just for myself, but for my daughter Lillie. How can I create a world where she can thrive? Where she can be who she is and not feel the pressure to be someone she is not? A world where women are appreciated and valued. I believe that it is possible, but that is starts with us. It starts with YOU as a woman. PLEASE HELP STOP THE OBJECTIFICATION OF WOMEN! Do not allow this. Do not allow it in your home.

You are beautiful just the way you are!

Oh and please leave comments on your thoughts and beliefs.

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